Monday, November 23, 2009

Celebrities do become our best friends

The latest fall out from Oprah Winfrey's announcement last Friday she would be ending her show in 2011 has to do with the family factor.

Fans find her to be the next door neighbor, an aunt, cousin, and even the best friend forever (BFF).

OK, laugh if you want. This BFF is amazingly true.

How many of us get connected with a character or characters on a favorite television show or an actor? Maybe even a few meteorologists.

I am not a BFF with Oprah, although I have watched her show.

I admit I am BFF with some of the meteorologists on The Weather Channel.

Before they moved the dynamic duo of Mike Bettes and Stephanie Abrams to mornings, I did not miss many of their night-time shows.

I could pick out the change in hairstyle or color, even if they had been tanning.

They come into our homes and we treat them like family.

Pull up a chair and talk about your dreams and hopes. Would you like a piece of pie or some iced tea?

Just as they look into a camera and are not sure if anyone is picking up the signal, we, the viewer, only know it is us on the receiving end.

Sure, we may talk to friends and family about the show or people involved. But it is that one-on-one time we have with them. They are so down to earth.

Just like fans of Oprah are forgiving her for calling it quits, I was able to allow Bettes and Abrams to go to mornings. They are young and rising stars.

I watch them still form time to time, but mornings is my time to workout, get ready for work and to get plugged into the work day via the laptop.

I hope they will forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. I get so BFF with characters that they start to haunt my dreams. A few days ago (and not for the first time), I inserted myself into "Gossip Girl." When I was little, I regularly joined "Saved by the Bell" and "Grease." I haven't had a "Big Bang Theory" dream yet. I should get on that.
