Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mr. Irrational here

Irrational:  not endowed with reason or understanding.

Yep, for the first time in my life, this is me.

I have been told this many times over the course of four of my five decades.

In one counseling session, I learned being irrational is not good in the hands of a person like me.

But the good news is, I can overcome this still at the tender age of 50.

Instead of piling a few more layers on a conversation that is nearing a wrong turn, it is recommended to focus on the moment.

Please leave other objects out of the way.

When told that something has caught the other person in a good way, leave it at that. It is a compliment.

The human brain is amazing.

Most amazing is one trying to process something so quickly it skipped a few places and landed in the wrong outbox.

I get it!

Take it slow and ask what is meant by a statement or comment.

Jumping to conclusions can cause severe ankle sprain.

I apologize to all through the years where I acted like an ass with my irrational behavior.

It is time to also get my knees worked on so they don't jerk.

Does this mean all is back to normal and OK? No.

It is another learning lesson on an incredibly deep journey.

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