Monday, November 21, 2011

Less face time

Is it me, or is the time you spend on Facebook shrinking?

It appears we are becoming comfortable with it. It has become a part of our lives.

We have added it to the list of chores we do daily.

Here is an observation: I don't remember having so much information about a person back in the younger days.

I think I am pushing my agenda, if there is such a thing.

A big strike for me against FB is I work with social media  in my job. I deal with a Facebook page or two.

It is amazing the number of people who report their menus for dinner.

It startles me that people diss their employers and bosses. Remember folks, if you don't lock down the security on your page, the whole world sees it.

The F-bomb gets dropped more than our weight.

Then there are the obscure posts: If that person, who knows who they are, thinks I am going to eat dog poop ... well they can just remember that  I have no real tolerance for whatever they are trying to tell me.

Facebook is a neat way to stay in touch.

I just think I am going to take mine in much smaller doses.

And if you want to know, I plead guilty to posting stuff that causes pains.

I am so grateful to find music on here without videos. Boy, did I clog the walls of some people.

Sorry. It is just a rant from a sourpuss.

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