Sunday, September 4, 2011

No advice; just a good listener in the making

You have used people to form a comfort zone.For too long, trying to solve the problems of others has been a problem I refused to address.

That all changed in the past year.

I was using that to runaway from my problems. Not a good thing.

In the past few months, I have been coming to grips with this.

It has been a good thing, but I see how it has affected others.

Others who told me I could not fix others.

If the world was happy, I would be happy. That doesn't happen all the time.

Life is a highway. Some times the rest stops are closed on that highway. That stinks, but it doesn't mean giving up.

Instead by become a better me, I help others.

I have no advice. I do have time to listen.

You just have to figure things out.

In doing this, you some times find the life you live is not the one for you. You have been leaning on others to do the job for you. That is not a good thing.

There is a hole in your life, or maybe a void.

Learning to grow helps fill in the gaps but there is still a void. We have to realize there is a bigger person involved in this that has the answers and has our back.

If we wait too long, it could prove costly.

Allowing people to be part of your team is good. They are there to listen.

Thinking through the journeys as we go helps. We can shed light on areas that have caused confusion.

Do not be surprised if you get answers at the weirdest of times. At first, I thought it was weird, but for some reason we have to experience things in ways that open our eyes.

Have I done a good job? I think I have done all right.

But I am learning I have so much more to learn.

Growing up is such an interesting thing we feel we have fulfilled after we leave the nest.

Ironic, that is when we really start growing.

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