Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Love and life ...

How many levels of love are there?

I was of the belief that a deep love was the center.


You can care for someone without coming close to the core.

There is love for a child or parent. The love you have for other family members. Then there is the love we have for pets, friends, neighbors who hate us and a TV/movie character.

We could keep adding to the list, but there are different levels of love.

Right now, I am battling with the notion that I need love so deep.

It could be due to the fact I don't want people I care for to get too close. If I lose them, it is devastating to me. It happened to me growing up and the scar is still there.

"Get over it!", you tell me.

Sorry, it is not that easy.

At least not for me at this moment.

Can you love someone who will carry you through or over a rough patch in your life.

You are too afraid to deal with this head on. Crutches help you, but in the long term, they cause a bigger mess.

Maybe you have wanted to travel life's highway alone, but just were not up to it.

If it would have been dealt with in an adult manner, the counseling, separation and other things would not have come up.

But they did and it proves to be lessons needed to get your crap together.

How I look from the outside is nothing like what is going on inside.

It's a nice day on the outside, but Hurricane Hopeless rages within.

Learning about yourself is a great thing. It blows you away at times, but you need that to decide what needs to be done.

Only you can change yourself.

Others can try and hope, but it comes down to you hitting the start button to change.

I do not have answers. This is just a glimpse inside my travels.

It appears we get hung up on trivial things.

That's too bad.

Reality TV is a sham. The latest techno gadget will be tomorrow's junk. Money loses its value on a daily basis in this weak economy.

Showing a little love doesn't mean you are not affectionate.

It is just someone who hasn't found the way to pour it out.

Life does the brain good and the heart wonders.

Now if I could just get my brain to interact with my heart on a more consistent basis.

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