Saturday, December 17, 2011

A shooting claims a family and so many more

Hearing several loud pops, the woman went outside and to the back of the house next door.

There she saw the mother standing over a baby.

"Is everything OK?" the woman asked.

"No. Everything is not alright," the mother replied.

The mother pointed the gun she was holding at the baby and a loud bang was heard.

The other woman ran away.

A few more bangs were heard.

This sounds like it came from a novel

It did not.

This really happened in a small town in north central Illinois Friday.

A 30-year-old mother of three shot the children, her live-in brother and then herself.

Nine days before Christmas, a tiny town of 100 residents was the scene of this grisly event.

Bodies outside covered in white covers.

The two older children (a boy and girl) had just arrived home from school to begin Christmas break. The baby was 10-months-old. The boyfriend was age 29 and the woman 30.

From neighbor accounts, the couple and kids moved into the house in the summer. The man and woman kept to themselves. The children played with other children in the town.

The two older children are remembered as good kids. They were loving and loved helping others.

Their father is left with many loving memories.

He could not explain why the mother of his children did this.

Neighbors.witnesses say they heard arguing before the shots started. First there was a burst of six to eight, then another round of six or seven.

There were other times the couple in the house argued prior to this day.

Everyone is left wondering what happened.

Officials have not said if there is a note.

It just appears a lot of bad things came to a head at one time.

There are many family members left mourning for lives cut short.

There are townsfolk who are shocked. Some want to know how to explain to their child of seeing a friend carried away in a body bag.

It will be some time before it gets back to normal in this town, for people and the victim's families.

Physical evidence can be cleared, but this tiny town will have a scar.

Some how a positive will come out of this.

Right now, it is hard to find answers.

Right now, many are numb.

Right now, it is time to hold on to faith, hope and love.

Hold it very hard and long.

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