Saturday, August 20, 2011

What makes us ask what?

What are you thinking?

It is a question asked of many, especially as we gaze into the past and future.

How many times is there nothing really in the gray matter called the brain?

So many thoughts and memories spinning around. Maybe it is during this time of gazing we are actually taking time to put it into perspective.

More times than not, we actually are thinking about the next breath, next day, next problem, next question.

If you do not get an answer, or if you are told the person is not thinking about one thing in particular, relax.

The brain is a great place to let things settle in. The heart sometimes plays tricks on the brain and makes it think there is activity that needs to be told to others.


Take the time to enjoy the person, the place, the event or moment.

There will be time enough to recount or recall what it was you were thinking.

What is it you will do?

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