Saturday, August 21, 2010

The countdown to 50 has commenced

The countdown to the 50th birthday has started.

I quietly celebrated birthday No. 49 earlier this week.

It is the way I wanted it.

I said a birthday bash can be held in my honor when I turn 50. That doesn't mean I will be there. I could be wandering the Rocky Mountains in search of my real place in this world.

There are so many people I need and want to thank for helping become the person I am. So many who have been there at the time I most needed them.

It starts with Mom and Dad and includes grandparents, aunts and uncles, children, nieces and nephews, the parents of friends, teachers, employers, priest and pastors, teachers and people I only had the opportunity to meet once.

At times I wonder if I have let you all down. I have my moments.

But through those and the challenges and the battles, those lessons have helped me keep moving and keep living.

Over the next 300-plus days, I will celebrate all the lessons, journeys, adventures, heart break, triumphs and what the future will bring.

I am feeling fine at 49. I just forgot that when I was 25 it looked so far away.


  1. This entry makes me smile. I look at some of the people closest to me, and it's funny how little age matters. One of my best friends turned 17 this year. I'm 27. My beau turns 37 in November. That 17-year-old's mom, whom I love dearly, just turned 47. Age-smage: If you rock, that's all that matters. You totally rock.

  2. P.S. Your "about me" still says you're 48 ;)
