Saturday, August 14, 2010

Co-workers, friends and journeys

Friday was bittersweet at the newspaper.

It was the last day of work for a summer intern, who is the son of a co-worker. The day also marked the singing debut of another co-worker.

Both of these gentlemen I have worked with for 24 years.

We started in sports and one-by-one moved over to news side.

Through good and bad, we have been there.

This summer I had the pleasure of working closely with the one co-worker's son. The son is a gem.

Dad has been hard on him as an editor, but also has seen his son has talent that has helped us with our website. The young man is heading off to college for his freshman year.

For the first time, father and son will be apart. We will be there to get his father through.

As for the co-worker who is the aspiring singer, we in the newsroom have been entertained by him for years.

Now, with a web cast on the paper's website, he sings a song once a week.

Forget that he doesn't know how to read notes, or that he is three, four, five beats ahead of where the song is, he loves to belt it out. And he thinks a key is what you use to open a locked door.

We tease him but the entertainment value is priceless.

Friday was a good day.

I watched as our journeys continued and other ones were beginning.

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