Monday, October 24, 2011

A wind can blow away mistakes

Way back in 1985, I wrote a newspaper column titled "Second Wind."

It was about the time Billy Joel released "You're Only Human (Second Wind)."

I laugh thinking about all the hot air I put into those so-called columns.

But the song is one that I hold close.

It speaks volumes about humans, making mistakes and growing from them.

"You're only human, you're allowed to make your share of mistakes / You better believe there will be times in your life / When you‚'l be feeling like a stumbling fool / So take it from me you'll learn more from you accidents / Than anything you could ever learn at school / Don't forget your second wind / Sooner or later you'll get your second wind."

Lately I have been going through a journey of looking deep within. I've done some things that are not good.

I have hurt people near and dear to me.

Saying I am sorry and asking for forgiveness just doesn't cut it for me.

But I am told rebuilding the bonds of trust may take a long time or never come back.

This is my second wind.

I am coming to terms with some serious stuff.

I am only one person. You have to let go. And tragedy can lead to wonderful things.

I will never forget those who are gone, but I must live life.

Complicated doesn't seem to describe me. More like whacked out, middle aged knucklehead who has a good heart and is a caring person.

Patching things up is important. Where it leads from there, I am not so sure.

I should never have gotten a second or third chance.

I should have been kicked to the curb with the trash.

Instead, this is an opportunity for two people to discover and rediscover.

We are and have been waiting for that old second wind to come along.

The song says we need to have faith.

I do.

No wind needed.

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