Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How about another voting option

I think it would be great if they allowed voters the right to vote "present" in elections.

Lawmakers get to do such a thing.

Then they are not voting yes or no.

There have been many times during this election cycle that I have cringed when seeing a political commercial or reading a political mailer. Negative is just so not cool to me.

Give me the five-point plan to get the economy back on track, or how to end the budget fiasco in Springfield, Illinois.

I want substance.

Allowing voters the opportunity to vote "present" is like a no-confidence vote.

There is the option of not voting at all, but I want my vote to be heard.

I just do not want to give it to any candidates I do not deem worthy.

No more voting for the lesser of the evils.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Political parties and organizations just don't get it

While out of town last week, I saw a few political ads for races in other states.

Lots of negative spots.

One is similar to a spot running in my home state in the Congressional district I reside in.

It deals with a claims a candidate is going to cut Social Security. It has senior citizens telling a candidate he/she doesn't get it. Do not cut their Social Security.

The one in my district is better. The seniors are more agitated. I am not making fun of them.

It is just amazing that organizations and candidates pit one age group against another.

They say the media divides the masses on politics.

I think ads like these do just the same.

I am getting tired of political parties or organizations splintering us.

This is the United States of America. It is not the splinter the tired, poor masses that you do not think are smart enough to know better.

Like the one gentleman says in an ad, you just don't get it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

This Facebook comment deleted

Does anybody else out there wonder about a Facebook comment they post just seconds after hitting the comment button?

Was it the right thing to do or say? Do they think I am stalking? Do they think I am being a smart ass?

In recent weeks I have deleted comments because I thought some of those things I just said.

I think I am paranoid.

Yes, my friends, I am not sure of myself at times.

I do appreciate you all sharing your pictures, thoughts and comments.

I'll go back to my cone of silence now.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How about a little something for the effort

No matter how hard we bust butt, it just seems it isn't good enough.

It's not that we have a feeling we are more important than our co-workers. It is more we are running for our professional lives.

How many of us work not only at the office but at home, on vacations, maybe even at a family member's funeral?

It is not to get ahead, but to keep our heads above water.

It's bad enough knowing we are probably going to have to work until we are 76, if we make it that far.

Every so often, could the bosses throw us a bone.

We will keep our noses to the grindstone.

We promise.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How does the world see me?

Why do I care about what people think of me?

It's not about wanting a All-American image. Nope.

Not any where near that.

Many flaws in the character.

I am who I am.

But when I see a person roll their eyes at me, I wonder what it is that I did to them.

I am a bear, but I do not bite.

Inside this grizzly is a soft, cuddly, caring person.

While I wait for the world to change, I am going to work on toughening my skin.

You're never too old to do such a thing.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A simple question

When do you get the opportunity to cook the meal, if you buy the ingredients?

I realize what Bill Parcells, the former NFL coach, meant when he made this statement after leaving as coach of the New England Patriots.

Learn life's lessons, but remember reality bites.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Enjoy life while you can

Laura is a classmate of mine.

Her dad passed away last week. He waged a battle with cancer for three years.

But before he passed, Laura's parents were able to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

One last gift to give a couple who raised five children.

When Laura informed me last Friday of her father's death, she wrote, "I hate cancer."

Laura was relieved her father was no longer in pain.

But the bastard disease just zaps the life out of a family.

Of course, Laura and her family will mourn and remember.

The family made so many memories.

It is hard to understand why death has to be so agonizing for all involved.

What will this pain do for those who remain?

Will they grow stronger, closer or wiser?

Only they will know.

I guess I would like to have reservations made for a loved one's departure, especially parents.

Then I could get all the questions to life answered. Say "I love" to Mom and Dad a zillion times.

Take them places to thank them for what they do and did for me.

As the wife of a co-worker told me Saturday, "You sure change your perspective on life after you have cancer."

She is a cancer survivor. A recent six-month checkup was good.

"You don't worry about things, and you do the things you want to do," she added.

So while we hate cancer, we can also look at the world in simpler terms.

Enjoy life while you can. You don't know when it will all be taken away.

Where are my campaign mailings?

Should I feel my current state representative is throwing in the towel this election?

Each week I have received at least three or four mailings from her opponent.

The incumbent has sent very few.

I joked with a co-worker today that I would have to vote for the opponent because of all the mailings.

Seriously, I am all right with not getting so many mailings from the current state rep.S he has been a good representative.

I live in the southern fringe of her district.

Maybe her campaign team feels the votes are going to come from other parts of the district.

I just want them to know I do not feel slighted.

But could you at least drop off an Emery board?