Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The survivor

I am a newspaper reporter. I cover crime and the courts.
There is never a day that goes by that something is out of the ordinary.

I have learned through judges, lawyers, court clerks, court reporters and bailiffs that nothing shocks or surprises.
That goes the same for police officers, firefighters, EMS personnel, paramedics and dispatchers.
However, my feelings can get the best of me.
Recently during the daily bond hearings, a man was charged with domestic battery.
He had prior convictions that included for domestic battery.
His bond was set and the next case had been called.
A woman and man came into the courtroom.
The public defender talked to the woman.
She was the victim. Scratch that.
She was the survivor in the domestic battery case.
Advocates treat them as survivors. Advocates are the kind, carrying arms that wrap you in a comforter and help survivors.
The survivor of this battery wanted to know the bond amount.
After learning he was not going to make bail, the survivor turned and walked away. The walk was one of relief but the urge to find a place to hide.
The public defender asked her if she was going to bond him out.
The survivor stopped, turned and said with conviction, "No I am not."
She turned and walked out the door.
I wish for the survivor, as well as those who have come before her and unfortunately those to come, to find peace, comfort and a place far away from the offender.
To be able to defeat what the offender did.
Living in fear for your life is something no one should have to experience.

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