Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A heartbreaking interview

Yesterday I interviewed a woman whose nephew was murdered in Texas.

As a reporter, it is the toughest cold call.

You don't know what will happen.

You are dealing with a person who is at the lowest point in their life.

As a wise editor said. many times they talk because it helps ease the pain a bit and they can remember all the good the relative did while alive, whether a long time or a rather short time.

After completing yesterday's interview, a younger co-worker told me she eavesdropped on the call. She said I did a nice job of handling the situation.

Last night sitting at the kitchen table at home, I interviewed the victim's mother.

She was glad to talk, despite her world being forever changed.

In a heart-wrenching moment in her life, she took time to celebrate the life of a child. To add color and depth to a person I only know from reading media accounts of his death.

Thinking back, she helped me.

I ended the conversation as I did with her sister, offering them strength and faith.

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