Thursday, March 20, 2014

A chair and its occupant

He lies in the recliner, It is his spot. The place he enjoys taking a nap, but more importantly the place he uses to think.

He had all the time in the world to think.

There was no job. There was no rush. There was no place he would rather be.

The chair was the place.

Minutes of staring off into space. The room silent except for an occasional car driving by or the creaking of the house. When the wind blows just right, it whistles down the chimney. There are times that will draw his attention. Most times he lays his head back down.

How could this recliner be such a magical place?

Is it because he has worn his spot in the cushion? Or it just feels so right.

He doesn't really talk about it much. There is this look he will shoot you if you inquire.

There is no time to waste.

Maybe his time looking for that special place to stay put him at ease when it was found.

It is hard to read his mind.

Then again, he likes reading other people's mind. He also likes playing mind games.

I never knew much could happen just from spending so much time in this chair.

But there is a way to make him give up his spot.

That's when the door opens and one of his favorite people enter.

It is at this time he uses all the knowledge he has been preparing in the chair to finagle what he wants.

There is food he would like. A dish full of nourishment. He doesn't mind it comes from a can. Just give him his chow.

While it is being fixed, he loves to show affection. Some times it can be a little too much.

It could cause the chef to fall flat on his face.

He doesn't care. He needs his food. There is a schedule to be kept. The chair is calling for him.

So he gets his meal and enjoys. He hangs around to see what else is going on, but many times you find him heading back to the chair.

I never knew someone could sleep so much. Then there is the after-dinner snore.

You know it's a rough day when it is a loud snore.

There is also an unwritten rule. Do not ask him to get up. Wise beyond his age, he also is stubborn.

He does not care if you had a bad day, a long day or a day that will live in infamy.


That's not the way a cat thinks.

What do expect when he has all that empty time on his hands?

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